Donald Trump the Sore Loser

As I am Japanese and live in Japan, it looks so funny that U.S. President Donald Trump refuses to admit defeat in the presidential election.

U.S. President Donald Trump
U.S. President Donald Trump

He simply looks like a sore loser. I believe that he will be recalled as Donald Trump the Sore Loser.

Since Japanese do not respect rich people who have made a fortune in their lives, Donald Trumps are just a miserable old man. No one would respect that kind of man.

Donald Trump is actually the worst.

As far as I know, Japanese think that it was stupid of U.S. citizens to choose this man as their president four years ago.

In fact, they chose George Bush twenty years ago, and thirty years ago they chose Ronald Reagan who had his wife Nancy make political decisions, based on fortune telling.

Americans never learn.

I just hope for Americans that Donald Trump will not destroy the United States with his last breath at the White House.

That presidential election has been so funny in my eyes.