Most Japanese women think that Shiori Ito has made a false rape claim. What makes us think so? Here are some of the reasons why.
A very definite characteristic of Japanese society is that men and women are separate. They do not mix. In Western society, if a man hangs around with another man, it strongly suggests that the two are gays. However, in Japanese society, if a man hangs around with another man, it strongly suggests that the two are good friends and extremely normal. In Western society, if a woman hangs around with another woman, it strongly suggests that the two are lesbians. However, in Japanese society, if a woman hangs around with another woman, it strongly suggests that the two are good friends and extremely normal. If you see such people otherwise, you will be considered mentally abnormal.
Such is Japanese society that women never interact with, stay near, or communicate with men unless they intend to have sexual relationships with men or unless it is their job to do so.
However, this Shiori Ito person did interact with, did stay near, and plus did communicate with a man named Noriyuki Yamaguchi. That clearly means that Shiori Ito wanted to have a sexual relationship with Noriyuki Yamaguchi.
Also, Shiori Ito got drunk when she met with Noriyuki Yamaguchi. Japanese women never ever drink alcohol unless they want a man to have sex with them. If Japanese women have to meet with a man under some unavoidable circumstances but do not want a sexual relationship with him, they refuse to drink alcohol. There is no exception to that. So, if Shioiri Ito got drunk, that means that she wanted to have a sexual relaitonship with Noriyuki Yamaguchi.
That is how Japanese society works. If these cultural customs do not exist, Japanese society will plunge into chaos.
So based on these Japanese customs, most Japanese women think that Shiori Ito tried to have a sexual relationship with Noriyuki Yamaguchi. They think that she is trying to make the most use of this sexual relationship that she successfully established with him.
Shiori Ito wore black underwear when she met with Noriyuki Yamaguchi on the night when she claims to have been raped. No Japanese women wear black underwear if they want no sexual relationship with a man. Shiori Ito obviously had planned to have a sexual relationship with Noriyuki Yamaguchi when she met with him on that day.
Shiori Ito looks great, but she simply looks too great. Actually she looks very unnatural. There is absolutely no Japanese woman looking like her. So most Japanese women think that she had cosmetic plastic surgery. It is believed that she originally looked like this.
That is a horrible face indeed.
She claims to be a journalist. Anyone can call himself or herself that if he or she publishes an article somewhere. However, we found a blog written by Shiori Ito. Articles there are all written by Shiori Ito herself, and they are all badly written. I cannot believe that such a bad writer wants to be journalist. They all look like articles written by elementary school children. According to this blog, she is a graduate of Nihon University. It is one of the lowest-level colleges in Japan. It is no wonder that her writings are so terrible. She wants to be a journalist? That is an unrealistic dream.
I really hate dishonest people. That is all.
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Journal of the Noriaki Goto Seminar at Nihon University
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